Integration Empowers Transformation Agents to Scale Systems Effectively

Evolutionize Your Value Delivery

Integration: our guiding hypothesis remains that highly transdisciplinary change agents, and teams comprised of highly cross-trained global citizens representing diverse perspectives, will have the most profound impacts for the future of people, planet, and – yes – prosperity. We think of how these people work together, as well as what happens in each of us, as integration.

What We Do

Increasing Empathy at Scale and Breaking Down Barriers to Transformation

We get more happening in less time by increasing empathy and breaking down barriers that typically prevent flow from unfolding in project, entrepreneurial, and organizational contexts.

The importance of flow in creativity is recognized, but flow is as important in high-stakes contexts across sectors. What is flow? We think a lot about how to communicate the most important aspects of flow, for which we cultivate flow coaching expertise, programs, and people.

Expertise in Sustainability, Machine Learning, and More

We retain and maintain deep expertise among professionals with subject matter expertise in sustainability, machine learning, advanced materials, chemical engineering, energy, CPG, media, and finance.

And we also spend quite a lot of attention on “low-tech” solutions and appropriate use of technology where technology comes up.

One of our primary sources of inspiration and areas of expertise builds out of challenging and thinking differently about assumptions.

Transdisciplinary Systems Surfers

We find ways to fit familiar and unfamiliar pieces into new wholes.

When things find new wholeness, their meanings often shift.

We live for anticipating, observing, forecasting the implications, and documenting our predictions and methods of these shifts and envelopes. We also have been known to nudge compassionately with interventions in certain instances.

We do like to predict the future, and we encourage, enable, and manage risk in the interest of people and resilience, and we continuously analyze and improve our approaches.

We are transdisciplinary systems surfers who work in a world filled with rapid disruption and ever-present ambiguity.

Empowering Stakeholders in Transformation

We empower our clients by reducing barriers to access resources and insights that catalyze transformation. We help you access your innate strengths, refine your value generation capacity, and own your process.

Who We Are

Flow Enthusiasts with an Intersectional Perspective

We’re flow enthusiasts who share an intersectional perspective. We resonate deeply with the values of resilience and people-centering and are materials, water, and energy resources aware.

Committed to Supporting Visionaries

We are laser-focused on supporting visionaries to get what they need during early stages of developing their projects, prototypes, and their own prosperity. We’re people-centering strategists who apply and share our craft, with an awareness of relationship, a kit of lenses, and a range of approaches to doing as well as being.

Inspired by Systems Medicine and Earth-Centering Values

We never let ourselves lose sight and contact with empathy, embodiment, and emotion as central to living. We’re inspired by systems medicine and earth-centering values that connect with data-backed insights from science and natural history, particularly ecology and thermodynamics.

Prism14 empowers change-makers to catalyze transformation and break down barriers to success through transdisciplinary solutions integrating diverse perspectives and expertise. We’re committed to supporting visionaries as they develop their projects, prototypes, and their own prosperity, with an unwavering focus on centering people, resilience, and sustainability.

Close-up, abstract view of architecture.